Bike Fitting in Leavenworth WA

Bike Fitting in Leavenworth WA

This is the time of year when we feel the warmth of the sun and see the street sweepers clearing the roads of winter debris. It is also the time when we start thinking of getting our bike off of the trainer and onto the roads. Whether you’ve been riding inside this year and or are just getting reacquainted with your bike you may benefit from a bike fitting session in Leavenworth WA.

Having Pain When Riding in Leavenworth WA?

Bike fit affects how much power you can efficiently deliver to the pedals. This is a direct relationship to how comfortable you are on the bike. A bike should not be painful to ride! It’s one of the most body-friendly recreational activities we humans can participate in. If you are having pain on your bike, then being properly fit can be effective to keep your body riding and enjoying the great outdoors.

If you are more than a casual rider, proper fit can also help improve your performance on the bike. The skill of balancing on a bike often begins early in life but the ability to ride fast and far is a much greater challenge. A bike fitting session will ensure that a rider is positioned well, and the Computrainer assessment will help teach the rider to be as efficient as possible. Efficiency on a bike equals free speed so instead of fighting through a ride all of your energy can go into making the bike move.

A bicycle is not like a pair of shoes, designed to fit straight out of the box. A fitting session matches your body to the machine, with a systematic approach.

Here’s what to expect from a professional bike fit:

  1. On-bike analysis—posture, pedaling efficiency, seat, cleat, and handlebar positions
  2. Off-bike analysis—flexibility, extremity, and core strength, balance, leg length
  3. Bike adjustments or recommendations for matching the bike to your body and goals
  4. Instruction in exercises for improvements in cycling efficiency and health.

Remember, cycling is a great tool to help you enjoy movement and health, so get out there and breathe, sweat, and enjoy every minute of it!!

Want to come in for a professional bike fitting? Read more here

Luke Astell, P.T., and Will Young, M.S.P.T. are both F.I.S.T. certified bike fitters


8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Mt Stuart Therapy & Chiropractic

10171 Chumstick Hwy #1
Leavenworth, WA 98826

(509) 548-3133